Read the text and answer the questions. (Leia o texto e respon...

Read the text and answer the questions. (Leia o texto e responda as perguntas.). An intriguing story of hers which happened

during a dinner party she hosted. After the

meal, people started to make small talk. In-

terestingly, one of the issues which came

up was language learning. Across the table,

there was a surgeon, a lawyer and an agri-

culture engineer. They all happened to have

different opinions about an issue Jennifer

knew so well. Judgments such as ‘the best

method to learn a language is..’, ‘Language

teachers suck because...’ and ‘the only way

to learn a language is..’ had emerged. Incre-

dibly, no one asked her where she stood on

the issue. Among many wrongly driven opi-

nions she thought “Oh, it’s just not worth

it”. And she silenced.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 10 nov. 2020.

Now, Mark the correct answer: (Agora marque a resposta correta.)

A respeito da frase em negrito sublinhada no texto, e dentro do contexto, pode-se concluir que:

a) ( ) A professora acha que não vale a pena discutir a respeito da língua com esses profissionais.

b) ( ) A professora acha que vale muito a pena discutir com eles sobre o assunto.

c) ( ) A professora acha que esses profissionais são extremamente bons.

d) ( ) A professora acha que o assunto não é do conhecimento dela.​

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