I’M A SALESMAN Hello, friends. My name is Mark and I am a car...

I’M A SALESMAN Hello, friends. My name is Mark and I am a car salesman. One important thing, it’s my look. My client must trust me, so first of all, I sell my appearance. I pay attention to the minor details, as you can see, my shoes are shining. Yesterday they were extremely dirty. Then I’ve cleaned them. I have my agency where I keep some cars to be sold. I’ve just arrived from there. I was expecting to come to my mom’s house and talk to my sister Elen. However, she has left. I need to pay her for helping me last week. Anyway, I guess I can find her later. I have been selling cars for 10 years and I can say I actually enjoy my job. I remember when I bought my first car… I turned to my family and I said: "I’ve bought my first car!" and they were amazed supporting me. A few minutes later, I explained to them I had bought that car, but intending to sell it a little bit expensive. Then I could make money easily. It worked and it has been working since then. When you get some free time, visit my agency! See you later! 1- How long has Mark been selling cars? *.

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