Choose the incorrect sentence about cyberbullying. * 1 ponto c...

Choose the incorrect sentence about cyberbullying. * 1 ponto cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. An efficient way to protect yourself from cyberbullying is not to share your passwords with anyone. Practicing cyberbullying means using virtual space to intimidate, defame or insult a person. Cyberbullying isn’t a crime, because it isn’t a physical violence. 2- read the text and choose the correct answer. Don’t contribute to cyberbullying by forwarding or adding to cruel messages. You can be the change you wish to see in the world by conducting yourself with kindness and civility online. And you have the power to stand up to bullies if you see someone else being abused. Finally, be the kind of ally and friend you’d want on your side. The linking word that expresses order is: * 1 ponto or and if finally.

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